Czone Digital Switching
Czone Digital Switching
Czone Switch Control Interface SCI
Czone Switch Control Interface SCI is an interface between the CZone network and the...
Czone Signal Interface SI
Czone Signal Interface SI connects the CZone system to external sensors, alarms and...
CZone Network Bridge Interface
Isolating sections of a NMEA 2000 network will reduce standby power consumption....
Czone Meter Interface MI
Czone Meter Interface MI is available in two models. The Meter Interface accepts input...
Czone Motor Output Interface MOI
Czone Motor Output Interface MOI is available in two models. The Motor Output Interface...
Czone Output Interface OI
Czone Output Interface OI is available in two models, is an intelligent replacement for...
Mastervolt Czone Wireless Interface
Mastervolt Czone Wireless Interface. Mastervolt has developed a Wireless Interface that...